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BACH’s Pathways to Health

Bay Area Community Health (BACH) recognizes the importance of collaborating with faith-based organizations (FBOs) to address healthcare access and promote health among underserved populations. The involvement of FBOs can indeed be crucial in reaching and supporting vulnerable communities, including migrants, refugees, those without legal status, and the unhoused.

By working closely with FBOs, BACH can understand the specific barriers and challenges community members face and establish trust, which is essential for effective healthcare interventions. FBOs are often the first point of contact for individuals seeking help, and their involvement can help bridge the gap between healthcare services and community members.

BACH has partnered with Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont for its hot meal program. Collaborations like this can make a significant impact in providing comprehensive care to unhoused community members. BACH’s Community Health Workers are crucial in this partnership by providing enrollment support for safety-net programs, such as Medi-Cal and CalFresh. Many unhoused individuals face challenges navigating complex systems and accessing the necessary resources for their well-being. The assistance provided by BACH’s Community Health Workers can help bridge this gap and ensure community members are connected with the support they need.

The collaboration between BACH and Centerville Presbyterian Church demonstrates a community-driven effort to support vulnerable populations. By combining resources and expertise, they can create a more comprehensive and sustainable support system for unhoused individuals in Fremont.

Today, BACH works with 35 FBOs in Southern Alameda County. In 2022, engaged with 760 of community members through various events hosted by FBOs and provided 137 of enrollment assistance to Medi-Cal and CalFresh.

BACH will continue partnering with various faith-based organizations, including mosques, to promote health programs to improve self-care, assess health needs, and address food insecurity through its Food is Medicine program.

You can learn more about Bay Area Community Health HERE.