Watch to see how Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center utilized their network of community volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of our community by providing accessible high-quality care. Our individual and organizational commitment is to ensure this human right through quality service, advocacy and community empowerment.

- Open 68 hours a week
- Eight languages spoken by bilingual staff
- Family support and social services
- WIC program sites
Clinical Services Highlights
- Primary medical care for children, teens and adults
- Comprehensive prenatal services program: 5,620 pre- natal care visits per year
- School-based and school-linked health services program: includes Logan Health Center (school-based health clinic and youth services) and Tennyson High School
- Chronic disease management: monolingual/bilingual self- management programs focusing on diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer
- Comprehensive dental services
Community Programs
- Vida con Esperanza Latina Breast Cancer Support Group
- Alegria HIV/AIDS Spanish Support Group
- Member Services Eligibility and Enrollment assistance for various health insurance
Community Health Education and Prevention
- Pregnant and parenting teen program
- Promotoras de Salud: a Spanish language recruitment and training peer-education program
- HIV/AIDS education and prevention programs
- Tobacco-use prevention program
- Youth empowerment programs
Community Based Research
- Cultural Competence – A Latino Perspective: Curriculum developed by TVHC staff to address the needs of Latino clients
- Tu Eres Mi Otro Yo, The State of HIV/AIDS on Latinos in Alameda County: Epidemiological and anecdotal data of the effects of HIV on the Latino Community
To visit the Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center website, go to