Asian Health Services continues to meet patient needs in equitable ways
Asian Health Services like all our member community health centers is committed to achieving health equity by continually providing culturally competent care and addressing the social determinants of health at every level.
Asian Health Services Launches Its Mobile Dental Clinic
On Monday, August 1, Asian Health Services (AHS) partnered with the Korean Community Center of the East Bay (KCCEB) with a soft launch of the dental mobile clinic in San Leandro. Thanks to Dr. Huong Le and her team, the event was well received in the community. The van allowed AHS to provide dental treatment, dental screening, and fluoride varnish to young kids. Additionally, their COVID-19 team provided testing and vaccinations. The mobile clinic will allow culturally competent care to expand and improve accessibility to AHS patients.
Asian Health Services and Alameda County Community Food Bank Addresses Food Insecurities in Oakland Chinatown with Culturally Appropriate Food Distribution
With the rising cost of food, many Asian Health Services’ (AHS) patients and community members are experiencing food insecurities. As a community pillar, AHS is committed to addressing this long-standing public health concern. Starting in June, AHS partnered with the Alameda County Community Food Bank to provide culturally appropriate and nutritious food (e.g., fresh produce, eggs, milk, fruit, rice, etc.) to community members on the first Wednesday of the month at Wilma Chan Park (formerly known as Madison Park). To date, 350 households have received fresh food through this collaborative food distribution program. Many community members who came to receive the food expressed the need to continue this food distribution program. This effort was possible through the hard work of AHS’ Community Services Team, Facilities Team, and volunteer Patient Leadership Council members.
Learn more about Asian Health Services HERE.